Tuesday, September 05, 2006

It's now four in the morning and we are all awake. Why you ask. I don't you, maybe you should ask Bear. He and I have been going on like this for about five nights. All the articles want to give you advice about how to first put them to bed but I don't have that problem. The first night I brought him to bed with us, our pediatrician we be disappointed. That worked for about two hours until he sat up to play with the wall. Oh no you don't, so back to bed he went...... only back to bed not back to sleep. He cried from two until five. That gave me one hour of sleep. The next nights weren't that bad but here we are again. It's been going on since two. I tried to hold him for comfort for a few minutes, laid him down went back to bed and a few minutes later he is up again. I brought a night light and held him, back to bed. This didn't work either. Then I try a method the ped' suggested with Kati but we never had to use. I brought my pillow and blanket ( and book b/c I'm not sleeping anyway, should be though b/c this book is a real snoozer, but I bought it so I'm gonna finish it) and laid by his crib. Yeah, great idea. Now my natural comedian has an audience. He is talking to me about Elmo, pulling my blanket, and bonking his head on the crib to try and make me laugh. Jeff's alarm now goes off, "Daddy?". But of course Jeff doesn't hear it so I have to holler for him (the house could burn down around him and I don't think he would notice, he just can't help it) and now Bear knows I am awake. Well since I am awake he wants to tell me all about his fish in his room, "my ishies". I finally give up and return to my room for no sleep. Begin searching the internet to find nothing. And then Kati wakes up. She is dazed and I don't think she even knows what she is doing. She is just standing there in the hall hair all a mess with her fingers in her mouth. I ask, "Did Bear wake you up?", long pause, she answers, "okay". She I send her back to bed with promises to follow. But now Brendon sees me going into her room and getting in her bed. I feel like a horrible mother. Kati is still oblivious and he is screaming. I walking in, lay him down and say "It's not time to get up buddy." Retrieve his blanket and Elmo that he at some point had thrown in the floor as protest and return them to him. He finally stopped his crying after two and a half hours. Why didn't that work the first time?

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