Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I decided to do all the vacation blogging in sections. I was just to over-whelmed to get started and I have other things I want to blog too. My mom loves birds as did her mother so we made a trip to the aviary. Mom bought little cups of nectar. Brendon was not to sure about this colorful flying things.
But he apparently has birds in his blood too and warmed up really quick.
Kati on the other hand likes almost nothing new just like her mom.

They really liked my mom. One of them sat on her head and tried to eat her hair clip.
That warmed Kati up!
This was Kati's favorite bird. I think because it was pink and had no interest in flying around.
The picture you don't get to see it my bitten arm. Apparently I am as sweet as honey.

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