Today my angel turns four. Four. I love watching her grow but as she grows I also think of how quickly it's all passing and will pass. Someday she won't want me to pick her up anymore, there will come a day when she will think she hates me, a day when she will no longer need to hold my hand to cross the street, a time when she will have her first kiss and she may not share the secret with me...... my mind races threw all these events that are to come in her future and mine and I must stop myself and remember to just enjoy today; to take the time to read the book, play barbies and just be apart of her world. My grandmother gave my mom this saying when I was born "Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow... for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow... so quiet down cobwebs... dust go to sleep... I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep!!" It is so true. Later I am going to add a slide show of my girl when she was younger. You will just have to indulge me with the millions of pictures; she was our first and we had dreamt of her for three long years. I love you Katibug
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