Friday, October 05, 2007

I miss my snuggle spot

I know most couples aren't snugglers, or that's what I gather from mom's night, people like their space. Not me y'all, I want to be all cuddled up and not just on cold winter nights but in the deep heat of summer too but after Jeff's foot surgery that had to stop for fear that I might kick him in the night. Well his foot is all healed and I am still way far away and not in my nook. Stop the presses, our marriage is not in trouble it's just that after you don't snuggle for months I guess you just fall out of the habit. Jeffrey however is probably singing the hallelujah chorus that he is not sweating buckets because there is no person next to him taking up any possible cool air flow.

So here's the thing ladies, if you like to snuggle don't let you husband have any surgeries to better his health. Who cares about quality of life anyway, am I right? The nook is what is important.

I want my spot back. I'm just saying.

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