Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Boys will be boys

We had our own mini-episode of Cops tonight, up at the church. It was nothing major really, but still breaking the law none the less. After an evening of swimming at a youths home we headed back to the church and two of our boys got a little rambunctious in their cars less then a quarter of a mile from the church. The officer might have even over looked it but I think seeing them pull into an empty parking lot compelled him into action. He pulled out from the apartments and sped by us. We then pulled into the church parking lot to swirling red and blue lights and were met by more cars of on looking youth. The officer threatened jail and delivered a ticket. One of the boys was quit lucky really, considering he doesn't have a drivers license (we didn't know that).

Brendon declared that "racing is not bad" but fun. And truth be told, if this were just eight years ago my bleach blond Jeffrey would have been one of those boys getting a ticket.

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