Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weigh in Wednesday

I made it to 149 y'all, I'm so excited.

Just 19 pounds more to go. That sounds really depressing to me except when I think about that I have already lost 12.

I can't tell by looking at myself but my pants are to baggy now but some how I seem to be in between sizes, neither one is fitting right. I did however notice when i put on one of my favorite T-shirts on it was baggier and looked to be the wrong size for me. That was exciting.


J.B.L said...

I'm in the same boat so I know the feeling! Keep working it will payoff. Don't forget you looked great before so it can only get better and better!

Nicole said...

Yea!! Keep it up girl! You are transforming yourself, in so many ways!