See, I do have other kids!
Wednesday morning I wasn't feeling my best so I was somewhat hiding in my room hoping against all hope the kids just might sleep in that morning. But alas, the sun and moon and stars and scoobie-doo weren't all aligned and long before 7:00 am came I heard feet banging up and down the hall. God bless Bear's little heart, he walks just as loudly as I do. This could be a good thing for me. I was keenly aware as a teen that I would never be able to sneak for my loud walking and popping toes. And if I had to guess which one would sneak out.... at this point I would pick Bear. So maybe next time I won't lament those loud steps.
Whoa, I was totally sidetracked. That has nothing to do with the post....where was I. Oh, yes. I lay there in bed wanting to tell him to get back in his bed but then he would know that I was also awake and the barrage of 'I'm hungry's would start and dang it he wasn't even suppose to be awake yet. So I just lay there not feeling well and listening to him occasionally run up and down the hall. I thought at first that he was sneaking rides on his new scooter but later I learned different.
While his brother may prefer cookie dough Bear would rather his be cooked. The plate that had cookies piled high on it the night before had dwindled.
"Bear? Were you eating cookies this morning?"
I raised my eyebrows, "Bear?"
"No Mommy! I said I wasn't!"
"Okay, then let me look it your mouth."
Hand firmly clasped over any evidence, "I didn't eat any cookies!"
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