Friday, October 12, 2007

Flashback Friday

she wrote me back y'all!!!! My sister that is. You guys just experienced an everyday occurrence for Jeffrey. I am talking about how I started this post just assuming you knew what I was talking about. Poor Jeff, I do that to him all the time. Okay now that I have rambled let me move on.In light of getting in touch with my sister again Flashback Friday will be about us. I posted earlier about finding her on myspace and about what a goob I was being about checking numerous times a day to see if she wrote me. She has written back y'all and I couldn't be more excited. She has had a boyfriend for three and a half years, so I guess my mind has to let her grow up and stop being the kid that I shared a bed and a b*athtub with for years.

This is us. I am on the right and that is Courtney on the left. I was almost three and she would have been around 26 months. That us in my backyard. Every girl needs to play in an old camper top for a truck, right?

Now I have probably gone and confused some of you by saying "my sister" and then saying "my backyard" instead of our; well that's because we are really step sisters but it my heart she is more. We were friends before technicalities made us sisters. There were many of nights when she or I were passed over the chain link fence to play with the other. Days spent playing tag, having tea parties, eating chicken noodle soup, and the occasional biting. Not by me y'all, this girl is clever. She would bit me and then bit herself but say that I had bite her first. Now that's pretty smart for a wee one.

Oh, here is a story for ya. Once while playing tag she couldn't catch me so she threw a rock nailing me in the back of the head. She happily declared me "it" and ran off.

My mind is not only full of her assaulting me :) but of many hours of
barbie playing
roaming in the woods
ghost story telling
playing house
playing "who's line is it anyway"
talking into the wee hours of the night until someone falls asleep mid-sentence
watching her sleep at night and thinking she was so pretty (I'm not a stalker y'all she's my little sister and I have had trouble with sleeping for years)
rock collecting on our first trip to the trailer
war playing

and so many other memories that make up a huge part of my life as a child. I am so looking forward to getting to know who she is know and sharing my life with her as well.

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