not really ready but Grandpa may be checking the blog to see what's up so here I go. I'll start with Jeff stuff and go from there.

The one on the left is one of Jeff's first casts, the one on the right was pictured earlier.

These were Jeffrey's first shoes. The holes are on both shoes to connect them with a bar. That helps with the legs and hips. Isn't that so nice of Terri to share these things with me. Not that I am glad that Jeff had problems but it's nice to talk to someone who knows.

This is Dr
McClosedEyes who hence forth will be known as Dr
McNotMyFavorite. Here is
Timbo trying his braces on. His feet were a little to chubby so Dr McN.M.F. had to warm them up to reshape them some, not his feet the braces. Anyway as he is putting them on
Timothy's feet he said it was important that his heal was in the back and showed me other things. As we were getting ready to go I noticed his heal was not were it was before in the brace and brought it up. Dr McN.M.F. readjusted and we talked some more and again it was not in the right spot. I pointed it out again and he took the brace and came back with another strap to go in the center to hold his foot in place. He also said it may not look like his foot was in there but that it was, y'all it wasn't in there.
Let me tell you Timothy was not a happy guy about the experience. He didn't just cry he screamed and if you know my little guy then you know that is not like him. Y'all he was screaming so much that he was all red and sweating.

This is the kids checking out the braces

They kind of made Bear nervous, he didn't want to touch them.

Here is a good picture of them. Can you see the strap around the ankle, that is the one that was added.

The first night I was told to have Timothy wear them for 1 1/2 hours and take them off for 1 1/2 hours and put them back on

Well when we took them off he had a red mark at his ankle from the strap. The Dr told me his feet would be a little red but it would go away after about thirty minutes. One and a half hours later when we went to put it back on the mark was still there and I am not a happy Mama. Jeff thought to put a sock under the strap so it wouldn't hurt the babies leg and we tried that. It kept the babies leg from getting hurt but he just wiggled his foot until it was not in the brace properly. Jeff told me to call Dr
McGoodDaddy's office in the morning (Dr McN.M.F. would be out for a few days) so they could fix the braces.

This picture brings us to this morning. It was time to put the braces back on and after 15 - 20 minutes this is what it looked like, he has worked his foot up again. On the other brace he had almost
completely out. I just took them off because I thought I might be doing more harm than good having his foot in a
position is should not be in. I was able to get us an appointment but we had to see Dr
McNewGuy, who by the way was very nice. To try and make this shorter he added padding to the strap, readjusted somethings and said to give it a few day and see if
Timbo stops fighting the braces.

He also wrapped his feet to try and hold things in place. Two and a half hours later....... his foot was in the brace better than this morning but he had still moved it up. If he keeps doing this we may have to go with casts. It is so hard forcing his feet into these braces while he cries and wonders why I'm doing this to him.
McNewGuy called him a fighter.
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