Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pumpkins continued

One of the reasons I love going to the pumpkin patch is for all the wonderful picture
opportunities and I have to say I am disappointed with this years pics. Poor Kati kept squinting from the sun, Bear just flat didn't want to take any pictures and it's kind of hard for Timbo to pose when he is still in that blob phase.

"What's with all the orange balls and why are they doing this to me? Someone please send help, I overheard Mommy say she is gonna stick me in one!"

Man, I love those eyes
Kati wasn't to happy about the hay ride. (Check out the grass in her hands. A friend we took with us, who isn't pictured for privacy reasons, gave her the grass and she held on to it all day long.) Later Bear asked if just he and I could ride again because Kati didn't like it. I don't know if I should think he is such a sweet boy for wanting to save her the torture or he just wants a ride with no crying.
This is how Timothy felt about the hay ride
and this is me doing what I do best, medicating with food. Ice cream makes all things better, especially when it's pumpkin
Enjoying a maze

Just after this pic I saved Bear from getting slapped by the other little girl. Women!

This is Bear's new smile. He really likes to use it if he knows he is in trouble. How can anyone be mad at that face
Kati said she was making a birthday cake
Grandma and Timothy snuggling
What a handsome guy!
I love these kind of pictures

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