Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Update on Timbo

What a cutieOkay, let me start like this.....
Some people have asked if Timothy has the same feet problems as Jeffrey does and the answer is no. Jeffrey was born with clubfeet, meaning he had a three point problem; a problem with the fore foot, hind foot(or heel) and leg. Timothy only has a problem with his fore foot. His condition is called metatarsus adductus. Those of you who already know all this can wipe the sleep induced droll from your chin this information will be helpful for other readers later.

Let's go on now with a recap. On the 8th we had a Dr appointment with Dr. McClosedEyes to get his braces.
However he wasn't not keeping his heel where it belonged so I made an appointment with Dr. McNewGuy, who was very nice. He showed me a new way to wear the brace and told me to give it a few days and see if Timothy would stop fighting the braces. Jeffrey and I continued to try new ways of wrapping the brace and he just would not keep it on the right way.

On Tuesday we went back to Dr. McGoodDaddy and here is what a I learned from my appointment.

Dr. McClosedEyes will hence forth be known as (*dramatic pause*), oh wait, I am a christian woman and we don't speak that way. Let me think a moment.......... Okay, I've got it. Now stay with me y'all because this is a very scientific term; Dr McClosedEyes will hence forth be known as Dr. McBoogerBrains. That's right Boogers-for-brains!!!!!!
That's right, that's a picture of him with boogers for brains! I know, I know, real mature but guys this man gave my child the wrong braces. Let me explain something to you, Dr. McGoodDaddy wrote a prescription for the braces that clearly stated he needed braces for metatarsus adductus this man, BoogerBrains, gave him braces for clubfeet. I am so mad y'all. For a week now my child has not slept well and I have made him cry daily for nothing! I have forced his foot into something it did not belong in and watched him kick his feet, from being uncomfortable, waking himself up and crying because he is so exhausted. I have been in tears over this but continued putting them on his feet because I thought I was doing what was best and now I have found out it did no good at all.

I am glad to say that Dr. McGoodDaddy is angry with BoogerBrains as well. It's sad, I know, but I needed that affirmation.

But now I have to go back tomorrow and see BoogerBrains again to get new braces. Now the question is when I see him tomorrow do I stay tight lipped when he apologies or give him whatfor

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