Sunday, November 18, 2007

It came as a surprise to us

Tonight we had our annual budget meeting after Thanksgiving Dinner at church. Less than an hour before dinner began Jeffrey found out the church would be voting on him as an interim youth pastor.
We stopped and prayed for guidance for ourselves and for the church. To sum it up, the will of the Lord to be done.
We talked, we laughed, we fellowshiped, we disciplined children, mostly we ate tons of food. When it came time to make the proposal Jeffrey and I had to leave the room for discussion. We waited and waited and waited. It wasn't as long as some discussion but it seemed long to me but finally we were allowed to come back.
There was more business to attend to and then came the vote..........

He is officially the new interim youth pastor. I was asked if I was excited and you could say yes but really the only thing that will be different is the title. I am extremely proud to say the least. Jeffrey is excited as well, he only wishes his job aloud him more time to develop lessons and be there for the youth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I am very proud of you and know that you will be an exceptional youth pastor. Your Uncle Ken and I did youth work for years and it was the best time of our lives.

Aunt Tommi