I know I have been somewhat lacking in my Flashback Friday post, but y'all it's a lot of work for me. Flashback Friday usually consist of photo's that were taken before the greatness of digital cameras was sent from the heavens above. So for me that means looking threw tons of old photos, I have always been a picture nut, to find what I am looking for. Just for these three shots I had to move three boxes and one filing cabinet just to get everything out of my closet to begin looking. So I will admit that laziness is what has kept you from enjoying my F.F. posts, because I know you guys are waiting at your computers 12 am on Friday mornings just dying to know things about my past, so I'm sorry. I'll try to be better. Until the next picture requires a lot of effort and then you will probably be without another F.F. post.
Enough of my rambling
and here we go.

This is Tracey (I hope I spelt that right). She is now married to my step-brother Jeff, for like a million years. No, not really, I'm not sure how long it has been but I was young. Who am I kidding I'm young now. Boy am I rambling a lot today, I wouldn't blame you if you clicked away from the page right now. I was crazy about Tracey as a kid. I didn't have a big sister but when she was around it was almost like that. She was girlie, did girlie things, she didn't care when me and the other girls wanted to hang around them, and I thought she was just beautiful. In fact for Christmas or my birthday or something my mom gave me this barbie and I thought it looked just like Tracey. I treasured that doll, in fact Kati has it now.

This is the goob she married, and I mean that will all love. This picture is Jeff. The really Jeff. Silly, silly Jeff. I looked all over to find a picture that I
know I have somewhere of Jeff and Tracey together. It's a really cute picture of them cuddling. Maybe it's better that I didn't so could see this picture of him just like I remember, so silly. Jeff loved comic books. The wall of his room was lined with them, in protective sleeves of course.

And this is me and my little sister Courtney.
I have already posted about her
here and
here if you would like to read them.
So I shared all of this to tell you I am going to meet with them again on Saturday and I can't wait. I haven't seen Court since my wedding, I haven't seen Tracey since her wedding, and I haven't seen Jeff since 2000. I am so excited and so nervous all at the same time. Excited because it's exciting! but nervous because anything new makes me want to vomit so hopeful I won't be puking on anyone tomorrow. The kids are so excited too!
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